Walk in the Woods Apiary offers pollination services to farms who would benefit from increased production by having honeybees pollinate their crops. If local, we load our hives up after the sun has gone down and then move them to wherever you need them (50 hive minimum). If out of state we can hire a semi and ship the hives to you direct (400 hive minimum).
Honeybees can increase crop yields significantly by pollinating the blooms of the plants that are within the bees’ flight radius. Just some of the most popular plants to pollinate are: almonds, sunflowers, canola, grapes, apples, cherries, watermelons, blueberries, avocados, pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, satsumas, and oranges although the entire list is quite extensive.
Pricing depends on what crop is being pollinated, the length of the time the bees are stationed on your property, and the distance from our apiary.
For a quote please email us at walkinthewoodsapiary@gmail.com or give us a call directly at (850) 703-2959.