
Welcome to Walk in the Woods Apiary. We are a 2,000 hive commercial apiary in Washington County, FL offering a wide variety of beekeeping goods and services.

2024 News

Queen Cells are expected to be ready mid-February. $2.50-$5 per cell depending on quantity.

Mated Queens are expected to be ready mid-March. $23-$25 per Queen depending on quantity.

Nucs are expected to be ready 1st week of April. $125-$150 per nuc depending on quantity.

These dates are only educated guesses so please understand that these first dates can fluctuate depending on the weather and the bees. Once the first batch is ready we typically have steady supplies on hand.

You may request specific dates on pickup and shipped items at the end of the checkout process but these are only requests and not guaranteed until you receive confirmation from us directly.

All reservations MUST BE PAID IN FULL.

If cancelling a reservation please cancel 2 weeks ahead for Queen cells and 1 week ahead for all other orders or a $25 cancellation fee will be charged.

You are more than welcome to contact us to see if we have available inventory without a reservation but we cannot guarantee anything until all reserved orders have been fulfilled.

We will begin taking reservations beginning February 1, 2024.

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