About Walk in the Woods Apiary


Walk in the Woods Apiary began in 2017 when I got a job on a commercial apiary. What started as just an interesting job soon became a passion. My boss was kind enough to let me catch swarms and even gave me old equipment to keep them in while I bought what new equipment I could afford. After a year of doing this I had about 40 hives and a crash course education on how to run a large bee operation.

In 2018 my wife Stephanie and I began to grow our bee operation to try and turn it into a business while simultaneously managing the family farm. I applied for a Farm Service Agency Microloan and after getting approved the bees got new equipment and the foundation of our apiary was laid. While I was walking in the woods looking at my bees one morning Stef came up with the idea for the name of our apiary. After a lot of work we are now running 2,000 hives spread over multiple bee yards and hope to continue growing!


I believe every good business needs a clear philosophy to stand on and beekeeping is no different . As a beekeeper I believe that bees are not only important to our species’ way of life but absolutely essential. I do everything I can to keep my bees as healthy as possible.

All of our honey products are “raw”. This means that our honey has not been micro-filtered, clarified or pasteurized in any way. The honey maintains its natural microbial count, pollen, propolis, and wax content this way.

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