Welcome to Walk in the Woods Apiary. We are a 2,000 hive commercial apiary in Washington County, FL offering a wide variety of beekeeping goods and services.
2025 News
Hi everyone, (not so) quick update!
We’re back from California and the hives are looking great!! Both brokers are happy with the quality of the hives and have let us know that both semi loads are making full grade this year!!!
This is going to change things for us this year as far as how we run the business.
For starters, we will not be selling nucs this year. We are going to invest those hives back into our own operation and “try” to grow beyond 2,000 hives this Spring. We recommend three other nuc producers in the area:
Ryan Cutts of Cutts Honey in Chipley (also produces queen cells)
Tyler Walker of Choctaw Bee Company in Bonifay
Elmore Herman of Millie Bee in Marianna
Since we will not be selling nucs we will be able to focus 100% on queen breeding this year. We are going to add an additional 500 mating nucs to significantly increase mated queen production. We are expecting mated queens to be ready for pickup/shipping around mid-April depending on weather and drones. We will begin taking preorders for mated queens through our website https://walkinthewoodsapiary.com/ on March 1st. Queens are Italian hybrids (heavy on the Italian side).
Prices will be:
$25 less than 50 mated queens
$24 50+ mated queens
$23 100+ mated queens
Shipping available with UPS Next Day Air with a minimum order of 4 queens.
We will begin grafting queen cells March 1st depending on weather but will be using most if not all of them at first to get the mating nucs started. Once the hives return from California sometime around mid-March we will be using all of the cells for splits. We will not be taking preorders for cells until we get caught up with our hives. We will update here and on our website https://walkinthewoodsapiary.com/ as soon as we have spare cells to sell. We will probably be selling queen cells on a week to week basis based on whether we have extra cells that week or not until we get caught up with our hives.
Prices will be:
$5 less than 50 queen cells
$4 50+ queen cells
We will update here again when preorders are open, thank you!
We now have a Food Permit and are looking for locations to sell our honey with. If interested in having us supply your store with honey please contact us for details!
55 Drums of our raw wildflower honey for $2.80 per pound now available and delivery available for $4 per mile.
Hours of Operation: Please contact us before stopping by unless purchasing honey from our honor system honey stand. We are not always home during business hours (we have many bee yards!).
8am-6pm Weekdays
9am-6pm Weekends
There will be a 10% cancellation fee for any online order that is cancelled.